There is something very special about having the job we have at BHBD. We are allowed to meet women at all stages of life. Many fun, but also many tough. We would like to share a text we received afterwards from one of our BHBD customers Caroline, who was affected by Breast Cancer and then came to us hoping to find her wig. She chose Sharp / Short.
"There are no shortcuts when you are informed that you have been affected by breast cancer. It's as painful, hurtful, and horrible as it gets. At first, I was paralyzed by the news. Then I decided to take one day at a time and make the journey ahead of me in the way that felt right to me.
Losing the hair in connection with the cytostatic treatment felt like a trauma long before it was even time. No hair was a sickness to me, and I didn't want to look sick. I sourced the internet in search of a wig that would feel like me. Finally I ended up on BHBD's website and felt that I had finally found the right one, how the wigs were presented but above all, how nice they were. My first contact was with Celine, and I was floating on the clouds after our first meeting. She took away any prejudice I had about wearing a wig and normalized something I felt so alien about. We finished my wig before I even started wearing it. The day when it did come, there was no doubt. I felt great and above all, like myself in it. I wore the wig every day until a couple of months after my last cytostatic treatment. At that point, my own hair had started to grow out, and it was finally time to embrace a new era ❤️ big hug / Caroline"

The fact that we get to be part of you, which is why we exist. That we get to help and shift the stigma surrounding the use of wigs is our goal. Thank you to all customers for choosing us when you need help finding your wig!
Lots of love,