Three women wearing BHBD wigs: long brown wig, long light brown wig and short blonde wig.
Real people real stories

Wigs & Cancer.

Breast cancer is a disease that affects many women around the world. One of the tough consequences of breast cancer can be hair loss due to cancer treatments. This can be a traumatic experience for many women fighting the disease. But there are solutions that can help women feel confident and comfortable in their own body again, and that's where wigs come into play.

Wigs are an excellent way for women to regain their self-esteem after experiencing hair loss due to cancer treatments. There is a wide range of wigs that can suit all styles and needs, from short to long, curly to straight. Additionally, wigs made from real hair can provide a natural and realistic look that can help women feel confident and comfortable.

At, we offer a selective range of human hair wigs for women who are suffering from hair loss due to cancer treatments. We have a trendy selection of wigs that are made from real hair and are easy to maintain. Our wigs come in different styles and colors to suit all needs and tastes.

We at believe that all women deserve to feel confident and beautiful, no matter what they are going through. We strive to provide our customers with the highest quality wigs at reasonable prices. Explore our range of wigs and find the perfect wig for you or your loved one who is fighting breast cancer.

In Sweden, individuals with medical conditions that cause hair loss can receive assistance in purchasing a wig. Many regions offer financial aid in the form of a requisition to those who require a wig for medical reasons. A requisition means that your region will pay for part or all of the cost of your wig. For our customers based in Sweden we are happy to say that we accept requisitions in our store online from most Regions.

Tell me more about requisitions

Here is a story from one of our customers, Caroline.

"There are no shortcuts when you are informed that you have been affected by breast cancer. It's as painful, hurtful, and horrible as it gets. At first, I was paralyzed by the news. Then I decided to take one day at a time and make the journey ahead of me in the way that felt right to me.

Losing the hair in connection with the cytostatic treatment felt like a trauma long before it was even time. No hair was a sickness to me, and I didn't want to look sick. I sourced the internet in search of a wig that would feel like me. Finally I ended up on BHBD's website and felt that I had finally found the right one, how the wigs were presented but above all, how nice they were. My first contact was with Celine, and I was floating on the clouds after our first meeting. She took away any prejudice I had about wearing a wig and normalized something I felt so alien about. We finished my wig before I even started wearing it. The day when it did come, there was no doubt. I felt great and above all, like myself in it. I wore the wig every day until a couple of months after my last cytostatic treatment. At that point, my own hair had started to grow out, and it was finally time to embrace a new era ❤️ big hug / Caroline"



Watch this inspiring interview with the lovely Jessica, who was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent chemotherapy, causing her to lose her hair. Through the BHBD Foundation, we regularly host giveaways for women in need as a way to give back to our community and provide support during their journey.

I'm so impressed by the quality and the wig looks so natural. There is no one who can tell that it is a wig. I get so many compliments and feel really confident wearing it. Thank you Sara and Caroline ❤️ both you and your wigs are truly one of my saviors in the fight against breast cancer.
— Jessika
Modell bär BHBD Luna Legacy peruk: 50 cm kall/varm blond peruk i äkta Remy hår med Swiss lace och handknutna knutar för en naturlig look.
Luna legacy wig / 50 cm